Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy of

Use of Cookies

The Website ( uses Cookies to make its services simple and efficient for users who view the pages of . Users viewing the Website will see minimal amounts of information placed on the devices they are using, whether computers or mobile devices, in small text files called ‘cookies’ stored in directories used by the User's web browser. There are various types of cookies, some to make the use of the Site more effective, others to enable certain functionalities.

Looking at them in detail, our cookies allow us to:

• store the preferences you have entered;
• avoid re-entering the same information several times during your visit, such as your username and password;
• nalyse the use of the services and contents provided by in order to optimise the navigation experience and the services offered. 

Types of Cookies

Technical cookies

This type of cookie allows certain sections of the Site to function correctly. They are of two categories: persistent and session:
• persistent: once the browser is closed they are not destroyed but remain until a preset expiry date
• session: they are destroyed each time the browser is closed.

These cookies, always sent from our domain, are necessary to correctly display the site and in relation to the technical services offered, they will therefore always be used and sent, unless the user changes the settings in their browser (thus affecting the display of the site's pages).

Analysis cookies from third party services

These cookies are used to collect information on the use of the Site from users in an anonymous form such as: pages visited, time spent, traffic origins, geographical origin, age, gender and interests for the purpose of marketing campaigns. These cookies are sent from third party domains outside the Site.

Cookies to integrate third party software products and functions

This type of cookie integrates functionality developed by third parties within the pages of the Site such as icons and preferences expressed in social networks for the purpose of sharing Site content or for the use of third party software services (such as software to generate maps and other software offering additional services). These cookies are sent from third party domains and partner sites that offer their functionality between the pages of the Site.

Profiling cookies

These are those cookies necessary to create user profiles in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user within the pages of the Site. according to the regulations in force, is not required to ask for consent for technical and analytics cookies, as they are necessary to provide the requested services.

For all other types of cookies, the consent may be expressed by the User in one or more of the following ways:

• through specific configurations of the browser used
• or of the relevant computer programmes used to navigate the pages that make up the Site. 

Third party websites and services
The Site may contain links to other websites that have their own privacy policies which may differ from those adopted by and which are therefore not responsible for these sites.

List of cookies: see table below

About cookies

When a user uses Google services, we may collect and process information about their location. We use a variety of technologies to determine location, including IP address, GPS and other sensors that may, for example, provide Google with information about nearby devices, Wi-Fi access points and cell towers. › privacy (link a:

A unique identifier assigned to a site visitor when viewing a video.

Most Google users have a preference cookie called ‘PREF’ in their browsers. A browser sends this cookie with requests to Google sites. The PREF cookie may store your preferences and other information, in particular your preferred language (e.g. Italian), the number of search results you wish to display per page (e.g. 10 or 20) and your preference to activate Google's SafeSearch filter. › types (


Remembers the user's preferences regarding the chosen interface for video display.


The _ga cookie is part of the Google Analytics tracking and analysis service. It is a cookie that expires after 2 years after being created or updated. It is used to distinguish users. › cookie-usage


How to disable cookies via browser configuration

If you wish to learn more about how your browser stores cookies during your browsing, please follow these links on the websites of the respective providers.

Mozilla Firefox  

Google Chrome  

Internet Explorer  

Safari 6/7 Mavericks  

Safari 8 Yosemite  
Safari on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch  

If your browser is not listed here, you can request more information by sending an email to We will provide you with the necessary information for anonymous and secure browsing.

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